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The Story Behind Yournotify

Understand why we are building Yournotify to make it easy for brands, businesses and organisations to send sms and email from one single platform in Nigeria

It all started back in Prague (check this tweet) as we have always been passionate about communication. Fast-forward to 2021 after moving to Nigeria, we experienced it first hand when we realised how expensive and difficult it is for brands to communicate with their customers.

First, we don’t have any local emailing platform in Nigeria, which makes other options so expensive (USD/EUR). Second, the process of communication (email and sms) for businesses is scattered, disorganised and broken. Communicating with customers is hard and expensive for Nigerian businesses. Competitors like Mailchimp, Sendgrid… all charge in USD. You also have to run SMS marketing separately.

We are building an affordable and efficient customer communication platform for the African market starting with Nigeria, that is not only cost effective but robust for businesses to manage all their emails and sms from one single platform.